Management Rights and Rent Roll Loans
How much funding do you require?
Management Rights and Rent Roll Loans
If you are looking to purchase a rent roll, management rights with previous rental management experiences, then we can look at helping you to get a finance approval.
In some states, management rights are very popular, such as QLD. Whereas the management aggreement with body corporate is 25 yrs. So there are few banks specialised in this area.
How much can I borrow?
Borrow up to 70% LVR of the aggregated valuation
Maximum loan term on the business - 15 yrs
Maximum loan term on the onsite manager's unit - 30 yrs
Loans over $10m requires higher credit approval
Must have previous management experiences
Loans over $3m requires yearly review of financials
Maximum Allowable term:
Commercial Lending over the business – The lesser of:
The remaining MLR agreement term; or
Maximum allowable loan term is 15 years
Residential Lending over the manager's unit –
Maximum allowable loan term is 30 years.
Security for lending related to Managers Unit:
Home Loan Lending is to be secured solely by registered mortgage over the manager’s unit
Where name of manager’s unit differs from the Management Rights, a Lot Owner’s Deed and Licence to Occupy the Lot must be executed by the Body Corporate.
Vacancy and arrears on rental
In general, banks don't like to see higher than average arrears in the letting pool and vacancy rates. This will be a key factor when valuer values the business.
Apply for management rights/rent roll finance:
If you are unsure where to start, contact one of our dedicated finance brokers to guide you the whole process. We have very experienced commercial brokers in the team to provide you with professional services.